{title:There is A Redeemer(OS057)(CS197)} {subtitle: Capo on 0, Key=D} {capo} {comment:Verse1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} [D]There is [A]a Re[G]deeme[D]r, [A]Jesus, God's own [D]So[A]n [D]Precious [A]Lamb of [G]God, [D]Messiah [G]Ho[A]ly O[D]ne {comment:Verse 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} [D]Jesus, my [A]Rede[G]emer[D], n[A]ame above all [D]nam[A]es [D]Precious [A]Lamb of G[G]od, [D]Messiah [G]O for Sin[A]ner's s[D]lain {start_of_chorus} {comment:Chorus >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} [D]Thank you, [A]oh, my[G] Fath[D]er For [G]giving us your [D]So[A]n And [D]lea[A]ving Your [G]Spirit 't[A]il The [G]work on e[A]arth is done[D] {end_of_chorus} {comment:Verse 3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} [D]When I stand [A]in [D]glo[G]ry, [D]I w[A]ill see his f[D]ac[A]e [D]And there I'll[A] serve my [G]King [D]forever [G]In that [A]holy pl[D]ace {start_of_chorus} {comment:Chorus >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} [D]Thank you, [A]oh, my[G] Fath[D]er For [G]giving us your [D]So[A]n And [D]lea[A]ving Your [G]Spirit 't[A]il The [G]work on e[A]arth is done[D] {end_of_chorus} {start_of_tab} {tag:CommunionOS} {Key: D}